Commercial Advertising photographer John Holt/DOCK25

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Another Pro Bono job with Mullen Advertising for a city-wide campaign promoting the penguin exhibit at the New England Aquarium.   We shot in a small conference room on the second floor.  The air conditioning was on maximum.  We would have each penguin for ten minutes and the only people allowed in the room were essential personnel.  There were two very helpful handlers, who told us that penguins are not nice or cooperative.  They spit and poop, and generally make you work hard to get what you want.  Here are a few samples of the final ads, along with a short video (shot by Steve Bevacqua).  All the penguin images can be seen in the Campaigns portfolio.

A little side note.  It was molting season, and some of the birds had pretty gnarly coats, particularly little Lillico above.  There just wasn’t enough information to retouch her chin.  I ended up going to Bed Bath & Beyond and purchased a white faux fur throw mat.  I wrapped it around a cylindrical waste basket, shot it, and used the file to recreate her chin.  A little artistic license is called for on occasion!

Lillico Naked

Faux Fur

Finished Lillico

Penguin video by Steve Bevacqua